Friday, September 29, 2023

Yippie Ki-Yay, Mr. Falcon (September 2023)

September's over already? Well this was a quick month. Not as super eventful as August was given my computer woes and all that, but some things happened that are worth archiving I guess. Yeah, this one's going to be on the lower energy side of things. October hopefully will have much more to discuss. So let's get to talking about what September brought us.

So, I didn't collect anything of note again for another month as I still had to pay off the second half of my computer debt, but now going into October I'm debt-free, so that should be a month with more stuff to do. I have at least been keeping busy with video games. I said last month that I was starting to get back into PS4 after years of it just being the YouTube box and that has continued throughout September. And in doing so, I have managed to rack a few platinum trophies, including a couple I never got to finish up (one because I didn't have a second controller at the time). My lone controller died (because technology hates me) so I had to trade a few things off for a bit of extra money and got a used controller which works so much better. And it working means more of a focus on those trophies. 

And with that meant, for the second time ever, I have completed every trophy in Cuphead. Cuphead is one of those games I love almost everything about, especially how it looks on a visual level, sucking me into its unique 1930s cartoon style from the first time I saw the game around 2014 or so in one of its earliest trailers. And what with the game recently turning six, it was a perfect time to give the game another full run. I've bought the game on three separate systems at this point. First on Steam, followed by the Switch and now the PS4. I completed it on Switch, even 300%ing the game. I haven't 300%ed the game on PS4, but I did complete every single trophy challenge. And, to my surprise, the arduous expert run wasn't as worrisome this time. I actually got through it easy. I guess years of improvement paid off.

Cuphead is up there in terms of my favorite games ever. It's also a game that I feel is deceptive in its difficulty. The challenge is impossible if you haven't played a bunch of classic run and gun style games. It's also a game that's easy to learn and understand, be it the perfect time to parry, the best weapons for a situation, and just how tough the challenge is can totally depend on your focus. And as someone with bad ADHD, focus is not a strong suit, but I managed to overcome and complete it. I hope there's more Cuphead in the future. It's unclear what MDHR has planned now that the game has been completed with the Delicious Last Course released last year. But whatever it is, if Cuphead proves anything, it's that whatever it is, it'll be worth the wait. I also got the platinum for Parappa the Rapper, and honestly, THAT was more of a challenge. I don't know what they did but the Cheap Cheap stage is fucking broken and you need god-tier luck to get the cool rating.

Wrestling this month has been all over the place. A lot to cover, both good and bad. But the main story of the month is the merger of the Endeavor deal which means that UFC and WWE are now joined together in a new venture known as TKO. And with a new merger means a shit ton of firings. Over 100 staff members fired on the first weekend of the merger, with another bloodletting of wrestlers the week after. The major names coming out of it being Mustafa Ali, who was in the midst of a storyline against Dominik Mysterio for the NXT North American Championship before being let go, and Dolph Ziggler, who everyone thought would be an eternal lifer in the company given his nearly 20 years there. But if those names were surprising to see be let go, Matt Riddle's sure the hell was not. 

I think about Matt Riddle and, taking aside the Speaking Out allegations against him (which trust me, is hard to do), I see a case of a severe fart smeller. A guy who is so high on himself and someone with such a high hubris that he can't stop running his mouth on others, regardless if they deserve it or not. Goldberg, Lesnar, Reigns, Rollins, hell his ex badmouthed Becky. Then there's everything else, from his issues with drugs, with being a pain to deal with and generally coming off as someone who screwed themselves over by being their worst detractor. So when Riddle suddenly posted on Instagram a TSA agent he claimed sexually harassed him (Which even if the allegations have merit is still shitty to have happened to him if they did), essentially doxxing the guy, while reports actually have it that Riddle was the one being belligerent and causing a scene with no possible harassing happening, the writing was finally on the wall. Please Tony Khan, I know you're thinking about it, but just don't do it. Given you already fired one guy this month over controversies, you really want to risk it?

Because there was another prolific firing this month and that was CM Punk from AEW. Speaking of frustrating. There are aspects to Phil Brooks that I do respect. He supports trans rights, women's rights, seems like he truly is respectful about those and doesn't feel like he's phony. And when he was wrestling, he felt like he didn't skip a beat after almost a decade gone. But, and I mean this in the nicest way, Punk should stay away from wrestling at this point. For as passionate as he is about it, clearly it messes his mental health up badly. And his actions since his return in June accentuate that. Shooting on Hangman, banning people from Collision, and finally the row with Jack Perry, another guy who I'm disappointed in given he's someone who could be a major star in wrestling but he's already screwing that up because he got pissy over concerns of bumping on real glass. I don't know what they do with Perry, but I don't see him coming back with the same energy from the company as before. He might be the first of the four pillars to have crumbled.

But, back to Punk, what I'm getting at is that for as much as Punk loves the business, the more it poisons him and we see the worst traits of him come out. The man still holding a lot of resentment for how his career wound up and, in many ways, how his WWE run ended. A run that MIGHT be brought back if he really does return to WWE. I hope that's not the case. I think Punk should leave and focus his mental health on anything else that doesn't break him so easily. And if that is what happens, I wish him the best. And if he returns to the ring, I wish him good luck. In other news, Jade Cargill jumped ship from AEW to WWE and, at least currently, it sounds like she will be in line for a big push. Hopefully the company doesn't botch this one because Cargill is a massive get for any promotion. She looks like a wrestling megastar and, while still green in certain areas, continues to improve. If handled right, she'll be a valuable part of the WWE Womens' Division. And AEW might be getting Edge very soon as his contract is done with WWE. Oh and The Rock returned for a night. That was neat.

In other news, Nintendo released a Direct this month. And while it wasn't the big direct I think people hoped for (seriously when you stop treating each of these like Christmas you tend to enjoy them more), it still offered a few neat new items. Main two being the long rumored remaster of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door being confirmed for 2024 and the other being F-Zero 99, which I feel is the best of the Royale games Nintendo has offered so far. No, it's not the big new F-Zero game people wanted, but hey, acknowledging the franchise exists at all is a start. And it's super fun. Hell, it's a game I'm decent at. Haven't scored a 1st place yet, but I did get third a couple times. 

Like I said, I haven't had a chance to pick up much this month on account of a lack of funds, but I did still get the latest Goosebumps book House of Shivers #01: Scariest. Book. Ever. You can check it out over at the book blog. Despite my best efforts, I was unable to find R.L. Stine's other book, Slime Doesn't Pay!, anywhere in physical form. If this keeps up by the middle of October, then it'll be the ebook option. But September was overall a strong month for the blog. I posted a solid nine blogs, with two being the returning Baby-Sitters Club blogs. Might be a sign of me trying to pick up momentum on those. October means Halloween, so I may have to search for some decent books to cover for the blog. Can't imagine getting anything as bad as Halloween Night II, but you never know. 

And that's really September overall. Likely missed a few events because they either passed by so fast, or we'll see how things build next month. Still in the midst of hurricane season, so only hopes for a worry-free October, but you never know. Tropical Storm Lee happened, but it was more a light yawn than the mighty roar of Fiona. But hopefully with my head out of troubled waters, it means a more eventful month. 

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