Thursday, November 30, 2023

Coyote Fugly (November 2023)

November kinda just came and went, huh? Not that it wasn't one with some stuff to talk about, but still, it sure existed. As like last month, I'm keeping the major Israel-Palestine stuff out of this since this is mostly just joking on shitty billionaires and maybe things I did in the month, who knows anymore. But we're five blogs deep into this project and maybe I will get it to one full year. Let's see what November offered other than my birthday, which definitely happened.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Nobody Likes Milhouse! (October 2023)

 A little late on the October blog, but if you thought I was done with these (Or, I dunno, thought about them at all) then you're in luck because I'm back again with another look back at what was ultimately a pretty brisk October, all things considered. Little bit of stuff went down, enough for at least a thousand words, so let's do it to it. 

Note that I'm going to refrain on talking about the biggest issue right now involving what is going on in Gaza. It's a serious situation that's way too frustrating to do on a blog that's mostly going to dunk on a goofy billionaire, so yeah.